Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend madness

So last weekend we changed gears and went back to WFB after 8 months solid 40K... ooh that hurt...
Friday saw me playing Ramskull my High Elves his brand new Daemons, it wasnt pretty and then I watched on Sunday Ramskull playing in our current (brand new first month) WFB campaign... Again wasn't pretty but in a different way and I managed to finish my Imperial Guard Storm Troopers, all in all a good hobby weekend... and so onto the nitty gritty...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I blame Commando Comics...

No really I do, I once read a Commando Comic... well a lot more than one but still that's not the point anyway this story featured a British artillery unit using the above pictured 25 Pouinder.

800 point green wing list

Somebody asked on facebook for a Dark Angels 800 point list ...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

To go with army A or army B...

Well it's been awhile... I thought I would catch you up on what I was doing, mainly 40k putting together my Auztrailians, yes spelt that way so not to get confused with anyone else or any other writing that I may or may not be doing for miniature companies... Along with an announcement of the latest WFB campaign in our local group. This time it's a smaller size with only 16 players. But first my beloved ANZACs...