Sunday, December 20, 2015


So it's been awhile...

There was a long time hammering Infinity games with the new MRRF but that kinda got put to the wayside with people declaring that they were going to play Malifaux and I said...

nuhuh not getting into another system... 

and I was good... 

until Ramskull said oh you have a birthday and here have malifaux stuff. 

The bastard.  

Soooo I now have a Ten Thunders crew. As you can see in the below picture its mostly base coated which is unusual for me. But I now have a hobby partner Wayne, where we travel up to Gamagori on Fridays and we are punching out some hobby each Friday. He has a blog too the paint's not dry. Hintah Hintah...

Ive also realised that there are four generations of citadel paints in the picture and there is at least 2 more generations over the last 20 years that Ive been painting figures.

Malifaux is different on so many levels to other table top board games. 
The use of card deck for randomization. Which gets weird and interesting when you add the mechanic of "Cheating Fate" where by you have hand of cards to substitute with what you actually flipped. So there is a whole tactical sub game of which flips you do cheat and which you don't.

Its only a 3ft x 3ft board for another thing. Low end movement is 4 inches 8 inches "running" average is 5 inches/10 inches running and high is 6 inches/12 inches running.  I find I run out of room trying out run the enemy. I like my freedom of movement I may have said something similar with regard to Ravenwing, however the flanks which are very small. But with my ten thunders it is usually possible with NINJAS aka torakage. Amusingly the Katakana Snipers allow me to take potshots from the hill/tower/sniper hide.

The model count is even lower infinity and a $50-60  box set will get a 35 soulstone crew which you can play straight out the box. Each model has their own stat cards in the box so as long as you have the core rule book you can play the model. Which I do have on pdf.

Of course I couldn't contain myself with what Ramskull gave me.....  

at all... 

and now I have most non master boxes for Ten thunders and the Victoria boxset for outcasts. Oops...

Apparently 30k Warhammer is Cool (please read that in 11's voice) Wayne got me a great deal on a Betrayal at Calth Box set and when we get some money together put in a forgeworld order I think Wayne is going imperial fists where as I'm going (well duh) Dark Angels both sides as well having read the scenario it could have been Betrayal at Caliban instead.

My potshot from the hill is this time - What hobby are you working on these days?

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