I almost bought some undead vixens today even though I don't have an undead army or a nurgle army... I did buy some Mantic Corporation (I will do a reveiw of them when I get around to it.) and a second hand DA character (cough) vehicle But that has nothing to do with today's topic. Faeit212 has been banging out... well... collecting Dark Angels rumours so I dont have to trawl all the gaming sites yay and anonamooose peoples have been whinging about how the Dark Angels neeeeed a new codex....
I have a game coming up Im not going to mention whats in the army list other than to say that everything in it had a SM equivilent other than the HQ So not counting the HQ I hopped on army builder and built the same force with a SM codex.... fifty points better off as a SM BA 55 points cheaper and SW a wopping 115 points cheaper or a long fang pack with 5 heavy bolters.
I think my ratio is about winning with the Dark Angels is 50/50.... Would a new codex be nice (hell yes) but I dont think I need a new one .... check back with me after this next game in the campaign.
So the Potshot from the Hill do you use a newer Codex because it new or are you along time collector of new codex army or are you happy just to play no matter what the age of the army?
I have been collecting Blood Angels since Rogue Trader. Picked up a friends Tyranid army and teh Night Brood began it's devouring. But our group back into 40k at the start of 5thed, at which point I grabbed Orks and have been made on them since. In the last few years I have started a Red Scorpions army, and with teh 6thed release of Choas Space Marines codex I will be starting (or have) a Death Guard force which I will also mirror with a Heresy era Death Guard / Dusk Raiders force.
ReplyDeleteBack to the question, I am happy to use my codexs for as long as it takes before a new one will come out.
You dont have the 5th ed BA codex do you? I saw some Ork rumours which are cool too I will post them on black swan. This post was inspired in part by poor Lankey being fed up with BT oooh I didnt do an analysis with BT
ReplyDeleteI want a new Codex. Why? For two things, flyers and buyable terrain (Bastian, Ageis Defence etc). I collect Eldar and Marines since Rouge Trader (hell I have a Full Tac Squad of Original Beakies, and Scorpions are the Originals realised in 2nd ed) and frankly haven’t seen too much change. But then I wasn’t impressed with 3rd ed and me the guys I played with just kept playing 2nd ,codex, rules and all, but then I dropped the game at 4th ed but I think that was because my time was being taken up with LARP.
ReplyDeleteI want an Eldar Flyer, I want a Web Way Portal terrain piece or a Shrine to Khaine, or even an anti-flyer weapon that isn’t VERY Imperial. Apart from that I think my Codex is Still well playable.