Wednesday, September 5, 2012

On the eve of war....

1500 Pts - Dark Angels Roster
So two ancient Codexes going to go hammer and tongs, on Saturday morning. I've never tried pure(ish) the Black (ravenwing) they've always come a distant third to Bone (deathwing) and Green (Tactical and so on) mainly I didn't have the figures and to be fair Ive never seen the need.

However, in all the games of Sixth Ed in which we play we roll the scenario at the start of the battle and so we dont know what we play until the last minute. The big thing in sixth Ed is scoring units which make the current and hopefully so to be replaced Dark Angels Codex gold because the special characters Belial for Team Bone (Deathwing) and Sammael for Team Black (Ravenwing) make Terminators Troop for Belial and Ravening Fast attack Squadrons Troops for Sammael. This means that they scoring units.

Also now bikers now need a ST 10 hit to instant kill... of course Sammael is immune to Instant kill so feel no pain in that unit is just funny along with the extra attack... 

In the list below as is I have 5 scoring units Two 6 man Ravenwing squardons and two Attack bikes and one 10 man Tactical squad Combat squadding them gets me eight it depends on the terrain and the mission whether or not I will. If the mission is Big guns that gets me an extra scoring unit in the devastator squad there to kill Chaos Space Marines in large mumbers. I didn't take Land speeders because they dont score as they are vehicles and I ran out of points, but they dont kill marines good and only have two hull points with this new sixth ed 

1500 Pts - Dark Angels Roster

HQ: Sammael, Master of the Ravenwing
   1 Sammael, Master of the Ravenwing, (Fearless; Rites of Battle; Warlord)
      1 ...on Jetbike (JetBikes (Character); Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Adamantine Mantle; Iron Halo; Jetbike; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Raven Sword; Plasma Cannon; Twin-Linked Storm Bolters)

Troops: Upgraded Ravenwing Attack Squadron
   1 Upgraded Ravenwing Attack Squadron,
      5 Bike Squad (Narthecium; Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Narthecium/ Reductor; Power Armour; Ravenwing Company Banner; Space Marine Bike; Teleport Homer; Bolt Pistol x5; Meltagun x2; Apothecary; Twin-Linked Bolter; Combat Squads; Fearless; Scout)
         1 Sergeant (Bikes (Character); Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Teleport Homer; Melta Bombs; Power Sword; Plasma Pistol; Twin-Linked Bolter)
      1 Attack Bike (Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Teleport Homer; Bolt Pistol; Multi-melta; Twin-Linked Bolter; Fearless; Scout)

Troops: Ravenwing Attack Squadron
   1 Ravenwing Attack Squadron,
      5 Bike Squad (Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Teleport Homer; Bolt Pistol x5; Meltagun x2; Twin-Linked Bolter; Combat Squads; Fearless; Scout)
         1 Sergeant (Bikes (Character); Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Teleport Homer; Melta Bombs; Power Sword; Plasma Pistol; Twin-Linked Bolter)
      1 Attack Bike (Bikes; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Space Marine Bike; Teleport Homer; Bolt Pistol; Multi-melta; Twin-Linked Bolter; Fearless; Scout)

Troops: Tactical Squad
   9 Tactical Squad, (Infantry; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x9; Boltgun x7; Meltagun; Multi-melta; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads)
      1 Sergeant (Infantry (Character); Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Plasma Pistol; Power Sword)
      1 Rhino (Vehicle (Tank, Transport); 10 model capacity; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Dozer Blade; Storm Bolter; Repair)

Heavy Support: Devastator Squad
      4 Devastator Squad, (Infantry; Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x4; Plasma Cannon x4; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads)
      1 Sergeant (Infantry (Character); Assault Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol; Power Sword)

Heavy Support: Vindicator
   1 Vindicator, (Vehicle (Tank); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Dozer Blade; Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter; Demolisher Cannon; Storm Bolter)

So the short version is Im trying something diffrent. So my Potshot from the Hill... What in your codex (or Army book) havent you tried that sixth ed 40K (or 8th ed WFB) make work better?

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