Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reinforcements arriving Sir!

After the last post Faeit212 posted the latest round of DA rumours... I'm excited... realy excited

So Dark Vengeance came out, duh. As a long time Dark Angel player I was like woohoo...

Not so Woohoo at the price of AU$ 180 about 80 pounds or US$200 and of course there is the kerfuffle about the Limited Edition Chaplain... Well of course I wanted one... I did do investigations and for an extra ten Aus I could buy a limited edition for 164 from my local non GW store called Tactics instead of waiting a week and saving 10 guess which won...

But what about the people who...

didnt need/want the LE figure I found an American company Discount Games Store who was selling the DV box sets out of the boxes for 77 US and with the bulk buying my gaming friends and I spent approximately 1100 and saved about 1200 on GW Aus retail I'll post a list of what was ordered and recieved after I get it. Frankly its epic... Postage from the US is fairly prohibitive with single items but if you buy in bulk or tiny tiny tiny bitz then it can be ok... In short you need to shop around but there are deals to be had either through the above mentioned store or elsewhere on the interwebz. Ebay is really good, its where I first found discount games store and a face book update showed me the price for and it just snowballed from there. I think postage ended up being about $10 per person.. which is ridiculously cheap for the USPS

That guy above cant send you finecast for instance apparently GW wont ship to him. I bought a Sammael from my Local GW full retail price AU$83 because I wanted it then and there for the game... he didn't help win the game...

This isn't a hate rant against GW retail prices. As a former manager of a retail store (not GW) I know how much mark up goes into anything not just plastic Crack, GW stores are useful for tactics and games and if you simply must buy something from the GW webstore get it shipped to your local store for free...

Im going to go into alternative models in another post when I feel better.

So my potshot from the hill is what cheap places have you found on the interwebs?

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