So I need to up date this blog more regularly. I was demotivated as my last post was labelled as spam on Facebook.
However I have new content to share. Part 2 is here.
My first love, that got me into the tabletop wargaming even before WFB and W40K is Battletech. The new starter set came out and has reawoken the passion for the game and the lore. To the point that I bought the Battletech Computer game as I finally have a system good enough to run it.
Short review. Battletech Slightly clunky interface in the battle, I find it too easy to accidentally give the wrong the commands.
They must have run out of budget for voice work in the campaign which is annoying.
That said its a great game It gives you the big stompy Battlemech and heat management vibe. Heat in this game melts you from the inside... 0_0 Ive just learnt through youtube. Which now makes sense of why mechs died before they should have. DFA is very satisfying. Music is good. The only really annoying thing for me is the customisation, as in you can only put what was in there back. For example swapping lasers for lasers missiles for missiles and ACs for ACs. Unlike cannon where you can for instance in the BlackJack that I started with swap the AC2s for LRM 10s. I was sad I couldn't do it.
Also character creation is interesting and varied and what you pick at the start matters in conversation through out the campaign.
Its very Lore
appropriate for 3025. It filled in a gap of periphery anticoreward
between Liao and Davion. Anything more is spoilers.
Ive only been exploring in the campaign mode but it seriously rocks the mercenary down and out, out in the periphery hard scrabble vibe. I enjoy it so far, its not perfect but definitely playable and enjoyable 4/5 stars. Though your mileage may vary.
In other news the Kickstarter for the Clan Invasion is going off like a frog in a sock. So pretty, to the point of shut up and take my money.
Running 2 campaigns the moment. Nothing too serious.
Two Campaigns Part one
With the new box set that came out this year, my neighbor and former housemate who's been mentioned before, Squirrel and I decided to kick off a story mode campaign. This is a two player Campaign where we agree on the missions and then work out the opposition force (opfor) through Random assignment tables (RAT) which we will share which ones we used and why.
Here's the campaign Bible
Comstar in the deep periphery
Player Characters will be Com Guards level two Adepts from 1st Army attached to the Explorer Corps in 3046. Their mission is twofold hearts and minds the local population and locate Brian Caches suspected to be on planet.
They arrive in system in Jan 3047 and so 3rd quarter 3049 the Clans have a chance to show up.
Logistics support
Invader class Jump ship Comstar Jumpship Sims’ Vision. 2 Union Dropships, Comstar Dropship Kerensky’s Path and Comstar Dropship Dangerous Knowledge. The third Dropship a Mammoth Comstar Dropship Blake’s Labour to carry away materials found in any Brian Cache. They also carry enough technical personal and spare parts for the two units for the foreseeable future.
We don't want to do logistics.
Planet Alfhiem
deep periphery coreward but in front of the Hansetic league towards the Inner sphere.
Super powers between them they have a regiment of Battlemechs and supporting infantry and vehicles both grew out of the Star League fortresses on different continents. They may have access to Star League Mechs and vehicles There are several minor city states with roughly two battalions between them. There are several town with single battlemech knights.
All continents have adequate transportation infrastructure to supply primary producer with access to markets and returning manufactured goods. There is a planetary information net. Majority of population are educated. This last is why Comstar is interested in the planet as a recruitment ground. Aside from the possible untouched Brian caches.
Bandits do exist and normally stay away from the superpower continents.
Passage of time
Each Level two unit will have a mission series of interactions/ battles to complete each month in game. The players will get to it when they feel like it.
Mechwarriors and Mechs
Both are allowed to have one upgraded mech and a personal avatar pilot starting with 3/4 gunnery and piloting all other pilots are going to be 4/5 gunnery and piloting.
All Mechs must be available to Comstar at the time of 3046. Either through the Starleague caches or non factional mechs Technical Readouts (TROs) 2750 3025, 3039, 3050, 3055, 3058.
Nic was allowed 1 assault mech, 2 heavy mechs, and three medium mechs. Nic chose a Night star (SL), Warhammer, Marauder, Hunchback and 2x Trebuchet
Squirrel was allowed 1 heavy 2 medium mechs and 3 light mechs Lancelot (SL), Phoenix hawk, Griffin, Mongoose, and 2 Spiders
Each level II was allowed one cannon Star League mech or upgraded 3025 mech available 3047 (any of the TRO 3050s).
Then the other 5 mechs in the level II had 8 upgrade points as per page 148 of (Catalyst Games E-CAT35222) Era Report: 2750. As Comstar 1st army is the of the Royal Regiments of the Star League Era
These points could be share between each level I. The players could trade all 8 points to get a cannon Star League mech or upgraded 3025 (any of the TRO 3050s). Squirrel chose that with the Griffin-3M.
There will be an entire post about the upgrades we came up with...
The rules set that we are using is the updated 2019 (Catalyst Games E-CAT35010 Battletech Battlemech Manual)
Brief bios
Adept Jericho Aleeze gunnery 3 piloting 4 former Davion. TBA
Adept Marcus Blair gunnery 3 piloting 4 former FWL. TBA
Advancement system
Every 5 mech kills a unit can lower their piloting or gunnery skill by one or take a positive trait. A mech kill is designated as one complete kill by the unit with no assistance from any other unit. Any unit that contributes damage to a mech that is destroyed will be credited with a partial kill which is worth half a kill. There by a unit with ten partial kills will be able to claim an advance.
unit will carry out a set of three to five actions in a mission. Each
action may be either interactions with npcs or battles. Successfully
completing the mission will allow the Level 2 unit to pick up a positive
trait for the unit or can lower an npc pilot’s gunnery or piloting skill. Completing
mission objectives will award pilots with kill credit for advancement.
Month one
June 3046 Training
The thoughts behind this is that Squirrel had only played some Battletech and I had not played in years so we decided that we were going to get some training in before we shipped out to the periphery.
Mission 1 King of the hill in Sim Pods
Adept Aleeze's Nightstar was positioned on a level 3 plateau. Adept Blair had to get the Night star off the level 3 plateau.
Adept Aleeze kills 3
All Adept Blair's gain a partial kill, for the Nightstar. As well as a kill each for completing the mission.
Mission 2
British bulldogs in Sim Pods
Adept Aleeze was to stop Adept Blair's unit making the objective line.
Red Trebuchet, Warhammer, and Marauder get a partial kill and a whole kill for stopping the Griffin.
Griffin gets a partial kill for the grey Trebuchet. Lancelot, Phoenix hawk, Mongoose, the 2 Spiders get
a kill for completing for the mission and a partial kill for the grey Trebuchet.
Mission 3
Training with outsiders. - Hold the line.
Both level IIs have an opportunity to train with outsiders in the form of Ryoken-yon. Mission hold
the line from Fasa 1698 Field Manual DCMS page 137.
not fought yet
My thought from the hill today is What do you think of the Battletech Universe?
Commenting, Sharing, Subscribing is love.
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