Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mission Randomness or winning and killing arent the same thing

Appologies my health is not so shiny at the moment and so Ive not been updating this too much. I think its taken me a week to punch this out.

This post covers both Fantasy and 40K and the vagueries of the random missions. I'd like to point out I don't do competitions so I have no idea about how tournaments work out, this is just for friendly games. In short its about covering you bases...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Liar Liar Pants on fire....

So there was this 40K tournament in Florida, Beaky-con and some guy was caught cheating using loaded dice on the first roll that mattered (deployment) The story can be found...

Friday, October 12, 2012

I suggest a new strategy R2... let the Wookie win

Ok So I may have seen Star wars (4, 5 and 6) a few time... hence all the quotes as titles.

Anyway this stories is about a ten year old boy who loves Warhammer Fantasy Battle and the same one that Ive been playing at warhammer and drawing against. His mother coughed up in the orgy of spending, a new Dark Vengeance Box set for her boy. I went around to their house and and dropped off their phat loot. He's never played before...

Reinforcements arring Sir! part 2

I've been a bit slack... ok a lot slack about updating this thing, However as promised I will get into the nitty gritty of my phat loot... and why you should never pay Australian retail unless you really want it right fething now, aka impulse buy luckily for GW I have those alot.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Off with their heads or putting you heads together.... litterally

Australian Sci Fi wargaming models is perhaps not a term you hear often. But I'm getting involved in a Only war Campaign which is the Imperial Guard version of Deathwatch, Rogue Trader, and so on and the group decided to do an ANZAC regiment with the feel and the style of circa 1915-18..

Monday, October 1, 2012

Finishing jigsaw puzzles

Or another way of saying Im sick of Dark Vengeance. I've just completed putting together 3 sets of dark angels from the DV Boxset. Yay I have more ravenwing and more death wing hmmm more tactical marines, what they hell am I going to do with more Librarians and more captains??? Im not going to put up pics surely by now you've seen the DV models through myriad

But suddenly I have an idea...

Keeping your eye on the ball

Wow Tau are nasty with sixth Ed.

I had a game within the campaign frame work I need to win to progress my team. My team is called "They live" although our nick name is Team "Nom noms" owing to the team captain playing Tyranids. So the team captian and I swapped army lists beat them up wrung them out and finally came to (what I thought) a finaly tuned list....