Conversion to 40K from Only War for the Auztralians and Enzedders

Work in progress
The Anzac Army is variation on Codex Imperial Guard follow the Codex imperial guard with the following adjustments below. It will count as a Imperial Guard supplement. With normal Imperial Guard and the Forge World Variants counting as Battle brothers

Special Rules
Anzac Day 
All units get a re roll once per game in a game played within a week of Anzac Day (April 25th)
Mate ship 
All ANZAC units are Stubborn USR
All Volunteer Army 
No Conscripts.
No Muties
All ANZAC Units Hate Mutants (Psykers, Ratlings, Ogryns and any model with a mutation) in addition No Ogryn or Ratling units may be taken. Only 0-1 Psyker battle squad allowed and no ANZAC unit will use the leadership of a Pysker. Any Allies with Psykers, Ratlings, Ogryns or any model with a mutation will have its Allies status downgraded by one step. Space Marines are not considered to be Mutants. Will not ally with Chaos or Daemons.
No Support 
The ANZACs have a hard time getting required Mech support. Dedicated Transports cost an extra 5 points Fast Attack Vehicles cost an extra 10 points Flyers cost an extra 15 points Heavy support vehicles cost 20 extra points and Super heavies cost an extra 50 points Titans cost an extra 100 points.
"Yes Sir [sarcastic]"
Allies can issue orders to ANZAC squads and ANZAC officers can issue orders to non ANZAC squads both do so with a -1 LD. Any time a non ANZAC officer successfully a issues shooting attack orders to an ANZAC squad it may complete a "C'mon cobbers" order which is "Like the wind" Pg 64 in the IG book.

"With all due respect Sir..." 
Commisars are at -1 LD
ANZAC Light horse Squadron Command Squad
ANZAC Light horse Squadron Command Squad is exactly like a Company command Squad with the following exceptions
Change cost to 120 points
Change unit type to Cavalry
Add Relentless
Add Move through cover
May swap Las gun or las pistol or Close combat weapon for Rough rider Lance for free
Can not take dedicated transport.

ANZAC Light horse Squadron Command Squad in an HQ slot allows you to move ANZAC Light horse Platoon from Fast Attack to Troops in that Force Organisation Chart. ANZAC Light horse Platoons in a second Force Organisation Chart would be still Fast Attack if the ANZAC Light horse Squadron Command Squad was in the primary Force Organisation chart.

ANZAC Light horse Platoon
ANZAC Light horse Platoon is exactly like an Infantry Platoon with the following exceptions

No squad in the ANZAC Light horse Platoon can take dedicated transport.

ANZAC Light horse Platoon Command Squad
Change cost to 80 points
Change unit type to Cavalry
Add Relentless
Add Move through cover
May swap Las gun or las pistol or Close combat weapon for Rough rider Lance for free
Comissars are 45 points to add
Carapace Armour can be taken for all models at 6 points per model.

May not take Special Characters from the Imperial Guard book.

ANZAC Light horse Squad
Infantry Squad changes to ANZAC Light horse Squad
Change cost to 120 points
Change unit type to Cavalry
Add Relentless
Add Move through cover
May swap Las gun or las pistol or Close combat weapon for Rough rider Lance for free
Comissars are 45 points to add
Carapace Armour can be taken for all models at 6 points per model.
ANZAC Light horse Heavy Weapons Squad
Heavy Weapons Squad changes to ANZAC Light horse Heavy Weapons Squad
Change cost to 140 points
Change unit type to Cavalry
Add Relentless
Add Move through cover
May swap Las gun or las pistol or Close combat weapon for Rough rider Lance for free
Carapace Armour can be taken for all models at 6 points per model.
ANZAC Light horse Special Weapons Squad
Special Weapons Squad changes to ANZAC Light horse Special Weapons Squad
Change cost to 140 points
Change unit type to Cavalry
Add Relentless
Add Move through cover
May swap Las gun or las pistol or Close combat weapon for Rough rider Lance for free
Carapace Armour can be taken for all models at 6 points per model.
Veteran ANZAC Light Horse Squad
Add Veteran ANZAC Light Horse Squad in place of Conscripts, use Veteran Squad as base with the following changes
Change cost to 170 points
Change unit type to Cavalry
Add Relentless
Add Move through cover
May swap Las gun or las pistol or Close combat weapon for Rough rider Lance for free
Carapace Armour can be taken for all models at 6 points per model.
May have either BS4 or WS4
Cannot take Grennadiers doctrine.
Add Skilled Rider

Special Characters
General Monash
Use Creed with the following changes.
Swap " for the honour of Cadia" with the "Anzac Tradition" (same rule different name)

If you take General Monash he must be your Warlord. General Monash as your Warlord the Special Rule - No Support does not apply to your primary detachment or in an Apocalypse game. The unit restrictions in No Muties are lifted but the Hatred Mutants and not using Pysker's Leadership for any reason remain. General Monash's Orders do not suffer the -1 Ld to allied Imperial Guard.

Using General Monash allows the use of ANZAC Light horse Platoon in Troops as well as Fast Attack.

WOFF Ivan 
Use Kell with the following changes Swap "Listen up maggots with "Don't be a fething sausage" (same rule different name)

1st LT "Bluey" Smith 
Replace a Leiutenant in a non Light horse Platoon Command squad for 120 points
WS   BS     S     T   W  I   A  LD
2    5      4     3   3  4   2   7

Special Rules

Hatred Orks

Hatred Traitor Guard

Skyfire (heavy bolter only)

Interceptor (heavy bolter only)

Rending (heavy bolter only)


Fleet of Foot

Independent Command
Junior Officer with vox Command radius Battle field but may only issue orders to his platoon with 1 order per turn 

From the Ranks - Bluey has never had proper officer training and can only issue First rank fire second rank fire and Bring it down.

Can have his platoon outflank or infiltrate but the entire platoon must do one or the other this includes dedicated transports. Non Dedicated vehicles with transport capacity carrying the platoon may not infiltrate or out flank unless the model already have the rule. When rolling to see if the unit comes on from reserves the whole platoon counts as one unit as well as the roll for where the unit comes on from. May reroll the roll to see where the platoon outflanks.

Heavy weapons team (included in profile)

Heavy bolter
Chain sword
Carapace Armour
Conversion Field
Demolition charges
Commisar Ryans
May add Commissar Ryans to any squad in Bluey Smith's Platoon for 70 points.

4  3  3  3 2 3 3 9


Fleet of Foot

Furious Charge 

Eternal Warrior

"You heard me" Commissar Ryans is immune to "with all due respect Sir"

Expanded Summary execution - As Commisar Ryans is Fearless and which ever squad he is attached to takes it's cues from him he can concentrate on the other squads in the platoon. Ryans' Commisar power of Summary execution can be used on a squad in Bluey's Platoon if they are within 12 inches of Ryans himself

Inspire - At the start of the Anzac's turn with words of awesome inspiration Ryans may make a Ld test and provide one unit within 12 inches in Bluey's  platoon +1 BS or +1 WS. Ryans himself doesn't benifet from this even if he is in the target squad

Platoon Commissar - Ryans is not an independent character (but does get a 4+ look out sir) and can only be used in Bluey's Platoon (in any of the squads)

A squad other than Bluey's Command squad that has Commissar Ryans in it must declare a charge it is able to do so.

Melta Gun
Bolt pistol
Chain sword
Power Sword
Carapace Armour
Conversion Field
Demolition charges

WOff Von Luckner
Maybe added to any squad in Bluey Smith's platoon, if it is not Bluey Smith's command squad then the Command squad is one guardsman short for 45 points

Alternatively Von Luckner may be placed in a vehicle for 80 points.

3  4  3 3 2 3 1 7

Fleet of Foot (when infantry)

Skilled Driver (when in a vehicle)

Missed me  (When in a vehicle)
As long as the vehicle has moved more than 3 inches in the last Anzac movement turn von Luckner's vehicle counts as having jinked but may fire as normal. (Skilled driver adds to make the jink 4 + cover save)

Can I drive? (When in a vehicle)
Von Lucker may choose not be apart of the platoon command squad and can elect to drive their dedicated transport, the vehicle that the command squad is in, or another guard vehicle which then becomes apart of the platoon for the purpose of counting a troop and therefore scoring and Bluey's Surprise. If the vehicle is destroyed then Von Luckner is unsuable for the rest of the game.

Melta Gun (Infantry only)
Sniper rifle (Infantry only)
Demolition charges (Infantry only)
Carapace Armour (Infantry only)

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