Thursday, March 19, 2020

Stop that Convoy

"You rang Demi-Precentor?" Acolyte Jericho asked trying hard not to groan under the heavier 3g acceleration. The acceleration had increase just before he had been summoned to the bridge of the Union class 'Kerensky's Path.' Something was up...

"Peace of Blake be with you Acolyte," she responded. "We received a distress call from the planet. A militia outpost." She pointed to an overhead shot on a monitor of a base with fires burning and mechs and utility vehicles being hurriedly loaded. "The Precentor has authorised use of force. Your job is to clear them out."

He could clearly see two assault mechs. An Awesome and a Victor. He wasn't sure about the others though. No he could clearly see now two heavies too. Two Guillotines. That was getting into adverse force differential.

"And Acolyte Blair over on the Dangerous Knowledge?" He asked hopefully The other level II commander in the other Union burning down to the planet 50 klicks off their port bow. Blair's mechs were generally lighter and faster but could have been a great help.

Demi-Precentor Luga shook her head. "They have another assignment. Blake's wisdom guide you Acolyte," she said in the way of dismissal.

"Peace of Blake be with you Demi-Precentor," he returned while trying to not look like he was staggering off the bridge.

The campaign summary can be found here
So on to the real missions stop the convoy.

It was bit of an anticlimax after all the tension squirrel had built up over the forces. Using line of sight to block what was where until my units could actually see them.

The Awesome lasted three rounds, cored out through the centre torso none of my shots hit anywhere else. Brutal. Victor survived longer but first round of combat lost the AC20 to a floating critical to the right arm from the hunchbacks AC20, The rest of the game the hunchback had a benny hill-esque chase around the base to try and catch the slower mech (the hunchback had 300xl making it a 6 walk 9 run mech) Both Trebuchets either missed with the LRMs or did minimal damage most of the game.

The Awesome in return got a floating critical on my Warhammer's hip which made the 5 8 mech a 2 3 mech so the pilot parked behind a hill and stood there for the rest of the game to get partial cover mod. Partial cover has changed to a +1 mod to hit and normal hit location ignoring leg hits.

We stopped all of the convoy and a Guilotine, Wyvern and LRM apc hovetank got away. None of the Cargo trucks got away.

Squirrel is having a hard time at work at the moment so we've not played in a while I have just about all the mechs in the two level IIs now though I had to go to IWM to get hunchbacks.I wanted another hunchback for my Rolling thunder project of Regulan Hussars.

So my modelling projects are Grey Death Legion circa 3028 Regulan Hussars circa 3028 and Farwell Barnstormers circa 3026. 

What are the Farwell Barnstormer's you may ask? Its a Mechwarrior Campaign starting at the Perth Nerd Herd in Armidale in April 2020. More to come on that when I have more.

My question from the hill today is do you roleplay while tabletop wargaming?

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