Friday, November 23, 2012

Lacking the Punch

Ive been sick and or busy recently. This is why no updates which is very sad. I had two games again my friend Ramskull he played necrons and I played my Dark Angels at the local GW in Fremantle.

It was interesting as both games were the Kill point missions (my first in 6th ed and they turned out to be enjoyable games for both of us.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fiddly bits and then some

I like fiddling... with minatures. Right now I am in the process of converting some models to be Dark Angel Veterans...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Betrayal: Act one

Using the Forge World book Horus Heresy Book 1 Betrayal seems like a good idea. So on top of the current campaign a few of us are going to go hammer and tongs with Betrayal and see how that goes....

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Long in the tooth

I almost bought some undead vixens today even though I don't have an undead army or a nurgle army... I did buy some Mantic Corporation (I will do a reveiw of them when I get around to it.) and a second hand DA character (cough) vehicle But that has nothing to do with today's topic. Faeit212 has been banging out... well... collecting Dark Angels rumours so I dont have to trawl all the gaming sites yay and anonamooose peoples have been whinging about how the Dark Angels neeeeed a new codex....