Saturday, September 28, 2013

Game over man its game over.

I lied it wasn't monday night as I was really sick it was Wednesday night that my last campaign game of this Fantasy Battle campaign. It was the kind of game that you have an army list and go right this is how it is supposed to work...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sisters are doing it for themselves

This last weekend just gone was not a successful tabletop weekend. First I played Ramskull vs his Dark Eldar and was hammered flat and then took a completely differenct army against Damian's (my flatmate) Sisters of Battle. I was allied with Ramskull's CSM and we got kerbstomped by the end of turn 2 I suspect....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I did hobby and it was GOOD...

Finally got some hobby in.... aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh oh boy did that feel good.

I have a squad finally with three colours on it hurrah, my birthday came and went. Not without acquiring more stuff bucking the current trend Atttack bikes for my ravenwing and rhinos for my tacticals. Parental units gave me some money which went on a case and that helps with my lack of carrying capacity. Im figuring I need another one and bucket loads of foam from KR Multicase. Of which I ordered another 400 slots and pick and pluck this should go a long way to sort out the over flow of Imperial Guard, High Elves, Dark Angels and Blood Angels at least in the infantry. At this point I think Im going to have to have a suitcase full of pick and pluck for my vehicles. Today is my day off from the universe. Domestic stuff today if Im lucky some hobby too.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Things that make you go hmmmm....

So I was typing up the ANZACs rules and began to realise that the entire write up was heavily slanted with regards to Australian flavour and none towards the New Zealanders... As William Wallace said as Mel Gibson "We shall have to remedy that."

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Reinforcements arriving

Ok so I mentioned that was getting some Mordians and vehicles. I got them last week Friday from Ramskull who picked them up for me as he got some good deals on some CSM and terrain from the same bloke, arent I a good enabling friend. When I got home there was a package that was a week late from the uk...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Its clobbering time.... but this time it wasnt me...

So this post is going to have several things about hobby, games and the fantasy battle campaign. It's going to be a little all over the place bare with me and follow me below the cut line.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Guard after Guard....

So I had my first 40k game in a while and it wasn't with my beloved DA, it was with my now large Imperial Guard with a whole whopping 500 point game. I still managed to fit a Executioner in there...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Have fun storming the castle...

So hobby has been slow since last report. Very slow non existant other than my required games for the campaign which was fairly epic....As I had to do 3 games because I challenged and was challenged in return and subbed for a team mate. If you were wondering about the he reason for the title...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dice gods

So I have played a few games since my last post and things have been looking up. I've found my hobby gear at last its been at least two months since it disappeared. Hoorah!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend madness

So last weekend we changed gears and went back to WFB after 8 months solid 40K... ooh that hurt...
Friday saw me playing Ramskull my High Elves his brand new Daemons, it wasnt pretty and then I watched on Sunday Ramskull playing in our current (brand new first month) WFB campaign... Again wasn't pretty but in a different way and I managed to finish my Imperial Guard Storm Troopers, all in all a good hobby weekend... and so onto the nitty gritty...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I blame Commando Comics...

No really I do, I once read a Commando Comic... well a lot more than one but still that's not the point anyway this story featured a British artillery unit using the above pictured 25 Pouinder.

800 point green wing list

Somebody asked on facebook for a Dark Angels 800 point list ...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

To go with army A or army B...

Well it's been awhile... I thought I would catch you up on what I was doing, mainly 40k putting together my Auztrailians, yes spelt that way so not to get confused with anyone else or any other writing that I may or may not be doing for miniature companies... Along with an announcement of the latest WFB campaign in our local group. This time it's a smaller size with only 16 players. But first my beloved ANZACs...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's about time you got here

Dark angels and their allies. Obviously Space Wolves are not going to be the ally of choice, if nothing else a fluff point of view. But allies ought to fill holes in your list, if you're aiming to win. If you're aiming to fluff, fluff away. With my ANZAC Imperial guard I'm aiming to do both.

But lets start with my other army Orks ...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Triplewing part 1

I am part of a Dark Angels community on face book and Ive been espousing the virtues of the triple wing. And so people ask me to show them what I meant so hear we go....

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dark Angels Codex Quibbles

Ok so I went through the DA Codex and Im now going through the Codex SM to figure out what's (I'm not going to call it wrong) different....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Review Dark Angels Codex 6th Edition

Um wow... is the short version... no actually I can go shorter... Woot :)

It's here it's pretty, in hard back and mine.... Mwahahahahahaha...

And from what Ive seen pretty darn awesomesauce. Maybe because Im a long time (rogue trader era) Dark Angels player I appreciate what Jeremy Vetock did with this codex.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Snappy Glue Smear Part 2

As promised what do I think of 2013?

Snappy Glue Smear Part 1

How does snappy glue smear? I don't know I was hoping you'd tell me :) Any-ways there are 3 days left till preorder for my beloved Dark Angels, I cant help but notice that there is a limited edition DA codex which will be 90$US which means it will be more likely 180 Australian. But what do I think of 2012 just gone and what do I think of 2013? will be in Snappy Glue Smear part 2