Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Have fun storming the castle...

So hobby has been slow since last report. Very slow non existant other than my required games for the campaign which was fairly epic....As I had to do 3 games because I challenged and was challenged in return and subbed for a team mate. If you were wondering about the he reason for the title...

2 out of the 3 games played this month was the scenario Tower.... I think 4 out of 6 games have been Tower in the campaign. I like it as presents a higher tactical challenge than victory points... but Im over it. I won my sub game with the tower lost where my opponent challenged me game with the tower and I tabled my challenge opponent despite the hidous luck I had in pre game and turn 1a his first turn. In short thanks to Skarsnik my elite units and characters all started in reserve including BSB General (lvl 4 arch mage) Phoenix guard, phoenix, Sword masters an eagle and a Repeater bolt thrower half my points.... not bad for a 1 in 6....

For an after action report The Repeater bolt throwers have been working for me with the lower pricing lion chariot not so much but that was bad dice rather than anything else. Love the new bow chicks and the phoenixes the whole dynamic of army construction has changes where elites dominated the last book its now core and rare.

And in other news my friend WT who is now outed from just people in this post who gave me a shadowsword and a ravenwing box last year. Said to me Im getting rid of my Imp guard would you like it? Sure I says... and low and behold not a penny exchanged I have a lot of Leman Russes (like nine) more Basalisks (like 2) and other things... and a Catachan (big) box set on sprue and some high elves and skaven to boots... In my mind Im just holding them for him till he wants it back and hes ok with me anzacking them. WOOOOOOOO. As well as a huge mofo bits box and 2 GW cases.

Im way behind in my only war updating but last session had the planetary lord commisar come down to our firebase.... and things got ugly... but not so far for my command squad.

I did buy some new sable brushes today... in anticipation of hobby.

Oh yeah I know Ive promised peoples shiny photos... my beloved new Galaxy 3S shattered its screen on the weekend I need it repaired before I can have a phone let alone a camera :(

So my Potshot for today is where do you prefer to do hobby? I like to do it with friends....

Commenting and sharing and subscribing is love...

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