Thursday, February 21, 2019

Its 2019 How did that happen?

Its just been under a year since I last posted on this blog. A lot has happened in that year in many many ways.

Personally, I got engaged to a wonderful understanding woman about this hobby. Yes they do exist.

I finished White Witch Black Cat and I am now onto the sequel Blood Wizard Zero Knight. If you want to follow along Linky Link to facebook page for WWBC

I got beast of a Computer and I can now play Elder Scrolls On line any time I want to.

And I got a whole lot of hobby and Gaming done in 2018.

Went to Skulls infinity tournament place 7th out of fourteen. Not bad. Managed to hold the top Australian player to a draw which killed his chances of a tournament win. I played ASA on the day.

I got a Loup Garou from the french sectorial Tshirt its still one of my favourite shirts.

It was a big year for corvis belli who make infinity and now areistia which I have the core box for. The book that I was looking forward too Acheron Falls never showed up instead we got Uprising and Third offensive books.

Before writing this post I reviewed this blog back to my first post about infinity. It opined that maybe later I would get an Aleph army and a JSA army.... what I didnt say at the time I wanted what was designated at the time a vedic sectorial aleph army... all the indian type units.

JSA got a massive redo in uprising and vedic sectorial was designated OSSS and came out in third offensive. I played JSA all through ITS Season nine Uprising and this year is going to be OSSS as I got the operation cold front that also means I have a TAK sectorial army too. I had a lot of TAK minis proxying for some USariadna and MRRF so I can easy run a solid 300 point TAK sectorial now but I think I will leave that for ITS Season 11.

I was sad to see that my favourite two armies were discontinued production ASA and MRRF. They are still very viable armies especially the tweeks that they have received from uprising and third offensive. But that conversation is another blog post.

So back to OSSS I hve now played four games and won three of them. All the won games were playing Ash Barkers Recon rules at 150 points.

The one loss I had was a serious spanking, at 300 points which was mostly due to bad dice rolls. That said, in refection I made some bad tactical decisions and failed to observe baggage in los of my ad jump troop on landing.

Remembering that both my hackers had hacking plus and there for access to white noise and cybermask, would have changed the game immensely. Havent had access to hacking plus since I was playing nomads Bukunin late N2. N3 hacking is a whole nother beastie.

A recon game table as you can see its tiny compared to a full size one.

Onto the future... A few good auxbots tournament is happening this Saturday I'm planning on entering it.

Most tournaments allow two lists, this one doesnt. Also includes two no wait three of my favourite missions Hunting party, highly classified and Deadly Dance. Frankly I dont mind the fourth Biotechvore as I normally have link teams and BTS out the wazoo.

Ive been watching the messenger local chat about not having a tag for deadly dance, spot the ariadna players, and no bts and again spot the ariadna player and not liking the two merc tags. I like them both for the record now psycho boy duo's with his sister and the Annies now get and HMG option. Even with players

I had already decided my list when I saw all this. My List building philosophy is building the list to the missions in the tournament... which means I can get 40 op in this tournament. and only 4 models don't have glue guns for hunting party.

Unfortunately the models I ordered for the day are going arrive on monday not in time for the tournament. So proxy city is going to be happening. Another shipment is due in on Wednesday so for Skulls in march I should be playing with a painted non proxied OSS army.

Long time readers know that Pano is the faction of choice for me and Varuna has dropped with Third Offensive, but other people in my gaming group want to play varuna and I wont jostle their shoulder for the time being as I want to concentrate on OSSS for this season.

2019 is looking like a great year for my hobby life, my personal life and my writing life I hope you can come along for the ride.

So the Potshot from the hill this time is what are you looking foward to in 2019?

Love is Liking, Commenting and Subscribing

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